Yolaine Gainsmont
Twintania, Light DC
Yolaine is my main WOL in FFXIV. Here is a website detailing information about herself, as well as information about myself and what kind of content I create ♥
I'd love to make more friends through FFXIV, feel free to DM me over on twitter anytime!
About Yolaine
Yolaine is a Duskwight Elezen from the Gelmorran ruins in The Black Shroud.
Born as Yolaine Rontremont, Yola is a very proud woman. She left her tribe as a young adult as she disagreed with their practices to kill to survive - Yola felt like there must have been some other way to survive.
After a few years exploring Eorzea, Yola returned to Gridania to take up her first adventuring class: Conjurer. She then undertook the story of FFXIV's events, befriending the scions along the way.
Yolaine married her soulmate Katherine Gainswyn (played by my real life spouse) and the pair changed their last names to Gainsmont. The due own a beautiful house in the Mist near the seaside.
Yolaine is a very maternal woman, constantly taking young children under her wing and adopting them as her own. This was one of her main reasonings for becoming an adventurer and saving the world - making sure there is a better future for the younger generation. Yola also has a sarcastic streak and can be very cocky, but she is a very kind person and a sensitive soul.
About Myself
Hello my name is Okke/Katie, and I am the person behind Yola and this account!
I am a 23 year old daycare worker from Europe, as well as a small time artist.
I like to play a lot of video games, in particular stuff from Nintendo or JRPGs. The following are my main interests:
♥ Fire Emblem ♥
♥ Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♥
♥ Danganronpa ♥
♥ Tales of Series ♥
♥ Persona ♥
As for FFXIV, my favourite characters are: Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Estinien, Aymeric and Ryne. However I love most of the cast so feel free to chat to me about anyone! I have finished all of MSQ as of 5.4
Other WOLs
Please click on the buttons below to learn more about my other Warriors of Light!
Oscar Crimea (Twintania, Light DC)

Oscar is another WOL of mine based off of Oscar from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn and Heroes.
He is my favourite video game character of all time, so I created an RP account of the Fire Emblem character in FFXIV. His classes reflect the original character.
Thancred's Spirit (Twintania, Light DC)

Thancred is another WOL of mine used for RPing. Of course, he is based off of the scion. If you ever see him hanging around, feel free to say hi!
Originally made as a fun treat for a friend, he is marrying one of my best friends Enkhtuya.
Thancred became one of my absolute favourite FFXIV characters after making this alt.
Nergui Qestir (Goblin, Crystal DC)

Nergui is my latest WOL, created after falling in love with the Xaela tribes when doing Stormblood. She is of the Qestir tribe, which is the tribe that does not speak as they believe all spoken words to be lies. The name Nergui means 'No Name'.
She is my only WOL outside of the Light DC, so feel free to hang out with her if you're also on Crystal!